... It was both my love of Greek Ancient History that since small, I always said that someday I would buy a roundtrip plane ticket to Greece, but not back. At twenty years old, I plunged into this adventure as envisioned by me, even though there was nothing, just the excitement of a full-fledged youth and an adventurous spirit willing to face a completely unknown world. My first major hurdle was the language extremely difficult. But in three months, no resources but my ears and my persistence, I managed to understand and let me know and even write this script so different and complicated.
first lived in Athens, the Golden City, teaching Spanish to some children, and for a year I was able to draw from that city, through its unique monuments, all the wealth that my Mediterranean spirit demanded. Then strange fate brought me to a coastal village in the Peloponnese, where life seemed to me back in time and integrate deeper into the mindset of a people mired in history, where people, rude people in the field, reading still augurs in dark flight of crows, locked in ancient traditions and mentality subject mainly to the Superstar ... It was surprising to me, coming from a more advanced country in the twentieth century, but not much more. In this place, to continue to fulfill my dream to know the story more appealing to me of all civilizations gotten, I had to work hard. Worked in the fields cultivating carnations, hyacinths and tulips, picking oranges, lemons, olives and tomatoes, planting trees at a stress much higher than male laborers, who received double wages to women. I ended up working as a carpenter, with a similar fate, because equal work, half the salary received by a woman. But I do not worry, things were well accepted and while it provided me to continue my adventure. I could buy a bike first, and it provided me take a second job at a restaurant at night. So for some time, rising before the sun and sleeping with the moon in the night advanced, I did every day a hundred miles on my bike to meet my two jobs every day of the week. At the time I buy a bike, and give up work and devote Sunday to travel to places near me, full of history that my soul longed to know, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Tiryns, Argos, Nauplion, Delphi, Trizinias, Marathon , Aegina, Hydra, Ermioni ... This picture, my first, I painted on an old board I took woodworking, with a handful of old pipe d ...
"Adversity does not stop the dreams ..."