And yes, I give up my beloved Bulls and temporarily Maestros… For me back into my childhood memories! Small, my favorite moments in addition to drawing and painting, I spent reading with my dog Wanda…
Children's Series «Once upon a time… »
Art by Independent Artists, Paintings, Mixed media
Author: Françoise Raffy
70 x 50 cm /
27.6 x 19.7 in
Themes: Child / Genre: Outsider Art / Characteristic: Series / Authenticity / Provenance: Sold by the Artist / Mounting: On Canvas / Period: Contemporary /
Posted: september 24, 2011 / Modified: january 11, 2012
Je viens de visiter votre galerie. J'adore votre série «enfance». Quant à la série «tauromachie», votre style épuré exprime bien votre passion, (que je ne partage pas).