Oil and acrylic on canvas, reflects the least, symbolic, almost naive, the mass flight of Rwandans from their homes because of massacres between Hutus and Tutsis in the early 90s. Painted in Luanda, Angola 2000.
Conflict in the Great Lakes,
Art by Independent Artists, Paintings, Mixed media
Author: Patricia De Cárcer Moreno
0.7 x 0.6 cm /
0.3 x 0.2 in
Themes: Military, War / Origin: Arts of Africa / Genre: Naïve Art / Characteristic: Framed / Authenticity / Provenance: Sold by the Artist / Artists types: Professional artists / Mounting: On Canvas / Artistic trend: Spanish Painting / Period: Contemporary /
Posted: november 16, 2009 / Modified: november 19, 2009
Hola Patricia, VI con retraso tu amable comentario y encantado te agradezco, bien como te felicito por tu obra tan genialmente sensible, deliciosa y bella. Abrazos de luz!
Vraiment de très très belles couleurs et quelle ambiance!
Vous devriez en faire encore d'autre parce que vous avez un immence talent de peintre! ! ! !
Lesuisse. Jean