Old man's hands resting one on the other in a resting position. Wrinkled hands, tired and damaged by time and work. Moment of repose over the years.
Tired hands.
Art by Independent Artists, Sculptures, Sculptures
Author: Ángel Gil
18 x 18 x 25 cm /
7.1 x 7.1 x 9.8 in
Weight 6.2 kg / 13.67 lbs
Themes: Art / Medium: Concrete / Genre: Impressionnism / Authenticity / Provenance: Sold by the Artist / Artists types: Professional artists / Period: Contemporary /
Très dense travail ! Et, plein de philosophie !
Comme disait le poète français, Apollinaire [je crois] : «la vie est lente, mais comme l'action est violente ! ».
C'est si fort ! Si rude ! Un peu trop rude, peut-être ?
Continuez… En ne tenant pas compte de mon observation !